Reiki 1st Degree Practitioner Course

Certified Course

Accredited Course


Student Rating ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Number Of Modules: 17

Access: Life Time

Students Currently Enrolled: 2855

Who Does This Course Suit





Tai Chi / Qigong Instructors







Teachers &




















Course Overview

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a pure form of healing, as its name implies it is the Universal Life Force, this energy is all around us and emanates from us, it is not dependent on individual talent or acquired ability. The ability to learn Reiki is not dependent on one’s intellectual capacity. It does not take years of practice to learn Reiki training, it is passed from teacher to student. Reiki is a wonderful tool for healing the Mind, Body, and Spirit. It balances and restores energy through the main Chakra system of the body.

Reiki is a gentle yet powerful and very relaxing form of healing for the client receiving Reiki training healing.

About This Course

Reiki Training Practitioner

Reiki can be used for many ailments including but not limited to relieving pain, headaches, back problems, asthma, PMT, sinus, anxiety, etc. Reiki balances the energies in the body, clears toxins, and promotes creativity. Reiki is a Holistic Healing Modality. It is important to remember you as a reiki training practitioner are not healing your clients. The clients receiving reiki rays are in fact healing themselves. You are merely the channel that enables them to draw the Reiki rays energy through your hands to the place it is needed.

In learning to be a Reiki training practitioner you will be helping your clients to become more balanced, find a deeper sense of inner peace and calm, explore their self-awareness and precipitate spiritual growth.

Your Reiki training practice will bring the following benefits not just to yourself but to your clients.

  • Reiki will relax you when you are stressed
  • Reiki brings about deep relaxation
  • Reiki centers your thoughts when you are confused
  • Reiki energizes you when you feel drained
  • Reiki calms you when you are frightened
  • Reiki focuses your mind and helps you to solve problems
  • Reiki relieves pain
  • Reiki accelerates the natural healing of wounds
  • Reiki improves health
  • Reiki gradually clears up chronic problems
  • Reiki helps prevents the development of disease
  • Reiki helps prevents the development of disease
  • Reiki dissolves energy blockages
  • Reiki releases emotional wounds
  • Reiki increases the vibrational frequency of the body
  • Reiki helps change negative conditioning & behaviour

Upon Completion

On completion of this Reiki 1st Degree Practitioner Course Online, you will be provided with a Certificate Like an example directly below:

The Reiki 1st Degree Practitioner Course

To practice Reiki to its highest good you will need to have an attunement from a Reiki Master. There are 3 levels of Reiki: Reiki 1 and 2 and the Master level. Once attuned Reiki ray is easy to use and your ability to use Reiki will never leave you. As you start each of the training manuals it is good to have your next attunement.

Natura will organize with you to do your attunement in person or by distant attunement.

Course Curriculum

Your study options in this course are:

1/ Video

2/ Audio

3/ Written Manuals

Module 1

  • An Introduction to Usui Reiki
  • Reiki the Universal Life Force
  • 10 Things that Weaken the Life Giving Energy

Module 2

  • What is Reiki?

Module 3

  • How Reiki Works

Module 4

  • The History of Reiki
  • The Life of Dr Mikao Usui

Module 5

  • The 5 Reiki Principles
  • Just for Today I will Not Worry
  • Just for Today I will Not Be Angry
  • Just for Today I will Do My Work Honestly
  • Just for Today I will Give Thanks for My Many Blessings
  • Just for Today I will be Kind to My Neighbour and Every Living Thing

Module 6

  • The Path to Reiki
  • The Initiation Ceremony
  • Preparing for the Workshop
  • The Morning of the Workshop
  • What Happens During the Initiation
  • What Happens After Initiation
  • Ways to Use Reiki after the Attunement

Module 7

  • The Endocrine System
  • The Lymphatic System

Module 8

  • Reiki Self Treatment
  • How Reiki Can Help You
  • How to Treat Yourself with Reiki

Module 9

  • Preparing to Treat Others with Reiki
  • Personal Preparation
  • The Invocation

Module 10

  • Treating Others with Reiki
  • Full Body Treatment – Hand Positions

Module 11

  • Rapid Reiki Treatment

Module 12

  • The Ultradian Rhythm Technique

Module 13

  • Group Reiki Treatment
  • The Benefits of Group Treatment
  • Guidelines for Conducting a Group Treatment

Module 14

  • Reiki and Pregnancy
  • Reiki and Babies
  • Reiki and Children

Module 15

  • Reiki Brings Comfort to Those Souls Crossing Over
  • Working with People Who Are Dying

Module 16

  • Reiki and Animals
  • Basic Techniques for Animals
  • Plants and Vegetation
  • Food and Drink
  • Further Uses for Reiki

Module 17

  • Final Thoughts and Reflection


  • Reiki 1st Degree Manual
  • Reiki Music
  • Reiki Posters - Namaste
  • Reiki Posters - Reiki Healing
  • Reiki Posters - 7 Chakra Animal Pet Chart
  • Reiki Posters - Reiki Christmas Tree

Recognised By Industry Associations: IICT, IAOTH & IICS

Qualified Teachers

Being taught by teachers with over 50 years combined experience in teaching holistic practices and coaching.

24 / 7 Support

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Flexible Study Options

All of our courses are broken down into easy-to-follow units, so you do not experience overwhelm and are easy to implement into your daily/weekly schedule.

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We understand that it can be risky buying courses online. Let’s face it, you don’t know us very well (yet) but we’re willing to put everything on the line with our 100% Money Back Guarantee.

We are so confident you will love our courses and be 100% satisfied with the content and support we offer we are willing to offer you a full refund with all our courses.

You can access any of our courses for up to 7 days and look at the material in Module 1 and if you go “This is not for me” then write to us and we will happily refund all your money so there is no risk to you.

That’s our promise to you.

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